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Seizing Opportunities That Propel You Forward

Don’t Let the Past Hold You Back One Second Longer Get the most out of life, no matter what has led up to your current position.


Smart, savvy, and easy-to-follow, Seizing Opportunities That Propel You Forward guarantees to highlight the good in your life and kicks can’t-do attitudes to the curb.


  • It’s all about learning to capitalize on the “big breaks” we encounter every day - but simply fail to recognize. You’ll learn to: • Stop focusing on past disappointments and focus on the positive and future opportunities

  • Accept, adapt, and thrive in the midst of change

  • Put your best ideas to work to improve your health and wealth

  • Reduce your stress level while feeling better about yourself and your prospects

  • Understand, appreciate, and act upon legitimate criticism without letting it take over your life

  • Master the secrets of building effective, lasting relationships in business and your personal life


Packed with real-life inspirational stories, Seizing Opportunities can really, truly change your life for the better.

My Words And Me
- Inspirational Poetry Collection

Words have the power to make or break a day. They can impact how hard one goes after one's dreams.  What makes the difference? The words you believe.  Say it! Believe it! Feel it! Do it!  Speak differently and you will live differently. This book is filled with poetic prose for almost any occasion. God's words to me are my words to you. I hope that through these words you find strength too!


Do You Know Him?

- Inspirational Poetry Collection

People spend their lives on temporary concerns as worldly cares consume them.  


My challenge is to focus their attention on eternity by asking the question…


Do you Know Him?


Using the names of Jesus to grow closer to His presence…

In It To Win It

This powerful, motivational poetry book celebrates the spirit of those who bounce back in order to continue the race. It celebrates both male and female, young and old, and all who dare to dream big and reach for that door to success. Are you tired of waking up to another day of frustration? Then, this book is for you!

What are you giving your attention to? The phrase "Life is not a dress rehearsal" is true. Don't give in to fear or failure. Don't let past mistakes hinder you. Your greatest asset is time. What you do with it now determines your destiny. So stay focused and remain on course. Don't wait for external motivation or the right circumstance to occur.

When all is said and done, you have just one life to live. Don't sit on the sidelines when you should be mastering the skills to claim your victory. Make every step count. Be in it to win it!


The Timing of Everything PROMISED

Volume 1

Six writers have come together to bring you their compelling, inspiring true stories, sure to tug at your heart and uplift your soul. Discover the stories and testimonies that bring encouraging answers to the questions of when, where, and how God fulfilled a promise in the lives of each writer.

Breaking the Silence: Victims No More

by Sarah's Refuge Inc. (Author)

The silence must be broken Each year, thousands of men, women, and children suffer domestic violence. For many, it s far too long to live in this kind of silence. How much devastation must we see in individuals, families, and communities before we realize that someone anyone everyone must take a stand? Featuring stories & accounts from domestic violence survivors & family members. Also included is information regarding types of abuse, why victims stay, awareness months, & a personalized safety plan. Domestic violence has the potential to destroy everything it touches, but there is a solution. Stand up, speak up, and break the silence!

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